Sunday 6th October 2019 – Charity Marathon – from 9 am at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium

In case you haven’t seen our social media messages, here is another chance to look at why VoAAC are running this marathon;

It’s in memory of Nic Willoughby, aged just 22 when he sadly passed away in September 2018.


Because the Nic Willoughby Fund is such a new and small charity they are supported by Heart of Bucks, who support and work with lots of similar small charities in Bucks:

Heart of Bucks is a community foundation dedicated to improving the lives of people in Buckinghamshire. Bringing together the financial resources of individuals, families and businesses to award grants. The Heart of Bucks is pleased to have been able to help establish the Nic Willoughby Fund. Through our partnership, Nic’s friends and family have been able to get directly involved in supporting their chosen cause of grassroots sports activities, without the cost and administration of setting up their own charitable trust.

Please give what you can and come and support the Kestrels on Sunday 6th October at 9 am, down at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium.

Followed by the club’s Celebration of Success awards party from 1 pm in the afternoon, following on from the Marathon in the morning.

Thank you.