All U11 Kestrel Group athletes


Please note that, as of Tuesday 5th November, both Kestrel Groups (Tuesday and Thursday) will be moving indoors for their winter training.


Indoor training will not be in the Sportshall this year, we have secured the indoor bowls area within the Stadium.


Footwear Guidelines: Please wear clean trainers for the indoor sessions. If it is wet or muddy outside, please bring clean trainers with you to change into once you are inside. Anyone with dirty footwear will not be allowed to use the indoor facilities.


Parents: There is also an indoor spectator area where parents can sit, wait and watch if they choose to do so.


DROP OFF – AT THE START OF EACH SESSION: Please meet your coach outside by the Sport England sign at 6.50-6.55pm, so that coaches can show you where to enter the new area.


COLLECTION  – AT THE END OF EACH SESSION: Please collect athletes from the indoor (bowling green) spectator area at 8pm.


Thank you

Vale of Aylesbury Athletic Club