Dear Club Members,
The good news is that we Return to Training again from Monday 12th April.
All groups will remain as they were back in December and you will be contacted soon about any training allocated to you.
All groups bar Saturdays will remain on the same day as they were back in December and training times will be similar. Due to the track being unavailable on Saturdays, we are working on allocating a new training day for our Saturday groups and will contact you shortly with details.
We are currently undergoing small scale testing sessions at the track to ensure all of our procedures are in place before we return on 12th April. The vaccination Centre at the Stadium has been expanded and this has impacted on areas of the Track available to us.
We are confident, though, that all groups that were training before the last lockdown, will be able to return from week commencing 12th April.
We look forward to seeing you back at the track very soon.
Kind Regards